Arduino Projects

In order to start coding an Arduino, you need the Arduino IDE software that you can download from here.


Here, I put some of the Arduino programs that I have wrote or edited for my maker projects:

1- IR remote duplicate


This program is designed to decode an IR remote using an 1838 Infrared receiver and then send the same signal using a 940nm LED.


Click here to download the Arduino programs.

2- IR Stepper Control


With this program you can control a stepper motor with an IR remote control. You can use an inexpensive BYJ-48 Stepper Motor with its driver for this project.


Click here to download the Arduino programs.

For some Arduino programs you need to have the specific library in your

[OS Drive]:\Users\[USER NAME]\Documents\Arduino\libraries.


Some the useful libraries that I use can be found here.




This website is designed and created by Nima Momtahan.